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OOTB 415 – Atomic Pigeon, and other musical musings

OOTB Presents…

Good afternoon one and all, it’s a bit rainy here in Edinburgh, slightly snowy maybe, but at least we’ve not got earthquakes and tsunamis and so on. That sort of thing certainly makes me count my blessings, and of course my thoughts go out to anyone who’s been affected by the tragedies in Japan and elsewhere. 

Now, on to the usual business of this email, first of all i’ll just let you know that the featured act at OOTB this week (Tue 15 Mar) is Atomic Pigeon! These guys are perhaps Edinburgh’s best kept secret as far as full size acoustic bands are concerned, i fully recommend you come and check them out while you can, they’ll be playing a full half hour set for us tomorrow night at the Montague Bar for free! 8pm start, 7:30pm for performers to sign up.

So that’s Tuesday. Then on Thursday (17 Mar), Sam Barber and the Outcasts are playing at Mr Modos at 7pm.

On Saturday, there are two acts on neither of which have been to OOTB, but what the heck, eh? I’ll tell you about them anyway. One of them’s Sacre Noir (who will be performing at Edinburgh Unplugged in April under a nom-de-plume), and they’re playing at Belushi’s on Market Street at 9pm on Saturday (19 Mar) and it’s free.

Also on Saturday, you can hear Conscious Route, a very enjoyable and energetic band (who secretly have Hannah Werdmuller in them, and who will be playing at Edinburgh Unplugged in May), and they’re playing at Maggie’s Chamber at 7pm on Saturday (19 Mar).

Remember the McEwans Ale House open mic is still going strong, every Friday night at 9:30pm, and the Listening Room every Sunday at 8pm, not to mention the various other nights that are always going on and which are an enjoyable night out (at The Royal Oak, The Captain’s Bar, Espionage, The Jazz Bar etc, check your FB invites…)

And it’s not long before we’ll be giving you a free mp3 every week in this newsletter, i’m just collecting mp3s from some of our featured performers and hope to roll this out starting in the next few weeks.

I think that’s it for now, see you on Tuesday!

Calum Carlyle
Out of the Bedroom

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